Monday, July 22, 2013

By The Paperboy June 7, 2013 at The Palookaville Press

A few questions friends…

If the reality of God is a cheat and we are essentially molecules in motion and dancing to our own directionless DNA, then how does a morality gain credence: not just one that suits my own whims, but one that has the intrinsic authority for humans to set their ethical compass by?

In the shadow of the above worldview, how does one move from a non-moral beginning through an amoral process and arrive at a moral reasoning that all should respect?

What is the origin of inalienable rights and do these rights differ from statutory human constructs of normative political convention?

If there is no ontological Archimedean point such as an unshadowed God, then are not all things fundamentally permitted, with the only difference being how many people one can get to assent to one’s vision of the Good?

How does a strictly materialist conception of Man address Evil and how do we ultimately know Good since to possess any universality that would preclude a sense of duty, these antipodes must be emanations of a transcendent moral law—and an unchanging moral law infers an unchanging Legislator?

If we then dispense with this Divine Legislator and His attendant Moral Law, does not the causal chain and the entire edifice dissolve upon contact—–leaving us with naked Human Will and nothing more—Self-Creating Man as the arbiter of all things?

If we are fundamentally honest with ourselves, we must admit that moral values that are derived wholly upon what we arrogantly believe as based in Human Rationalism, must indeed rest precariously on the shifting sands of arbitrary cultural expedience—–a navigational star that is in fact a meteorite.

                                                                       The Professor

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